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Bạch Thái Bưởi: Vietnam’s Maritime Pioneer and His Golden Flag of Unity

Bạch Thái Bưởi: Vietnam’s Maritime Pioneer and His Golden Flag of Unity

From National Pride to Maritime Legacy: Bạch Thái Bưởi’s Inspirational Journey in Vietnam’s History

In the misty veil of history, the year 1916 in Hai Phong witnessed the birth of a unique and distinctive brand. It wasn’t a complex symbol or modern logo, but a radiant yellow flag emblazoned with an anchor and three red stars—the flag of the Giang Hai Luan Thuyen Bach Thai Company. This was the enterprise founded by Bạch Thái Bưởi, marking the beginning of a journey that transcended time and space, from rivers to the vast seas.

The National Flag: Symbol of Unity and Maritime Ambition

For Bạch Thái Bưởi, every detail on the flag bore deep significance. The yellow color wasn’t a random choice; it symbolized the Vietnamese nation, embodying the spirit of unity and national pride. The anchor represented the maritime industry—his business domain—while the three red stars symbolized the three regions of North, Central, and South Vietnam, reflecting Bạch Thái Bưởi’s vision of national unity, far ahead of his time.

This flag wasn’t just a corporate symbol; it was a manifestation of Bạch Thái Bưởi’s unwavering dedication to the Vietnamese people and their shared future. It represented a bold statement of independence and resilience against foreign domination in a time when Vietnam was still under colonial rule.

Bạch Thái Bưởi: The Man Who Raised the Golden Flag with the Anchor and Three Stars
Overcoming Challenges: Bạch Thái Bưởi’s Strategy for Success

In the field of waterway transport, Bạch Thái Bưởi faced formidable competitors like the French and Chinese shipowners, who had strong financial resources and external support. Yet, amid these challenges, he recognized a unique “weapon” that no foreigner could possess—the spirit of nationalism.

Bạch Thái Bưởi implemented a business strategy that many companies today still strive to learn from. Instead of competing directly in financial terms, he awakened the patriotic spirit, solidarity, and mutual support among his customers. His marketers weren’t merely ticket sellers but nationalistic propagators, igniting national pride in every passenger.

Winning Hearts and Minds: How Bạch Thái Bưởi Cultivated National Pride

Not only did he call upon the spirit of nationalism, but Bạch Thái Bưởi also organized meaningful voyages. On each trip, he placed small donation boxes where passengers could contribute loose change, helping him maintain and develop the company. This approach not only garnered immediate support but also led many customers to abandon Chinese ships in favor of those owned by Vietnamese.

In competing with the Chinese and French, Bạch Thái Bưởi displayed his understanding of customer psychology. He operated his ships on even lunar calendar days, knowing that Vietnamese people often avoided travel on odd days. During festival seasons, such as the Perfume Pagoda or Kiep Bac festivals, he opened new routes to meet the pilgrimage needs of the people. Every passenger was also given a paper fan, not only to cool off but also as a keepsake—a thoughtful gesture unprecedented at the time.

Innovative Advertising: Using Xẩm Music to Unite a Nation

What made Bạch Thái Bưởi a legend was not just his business acumen but his unique advertising artistry. He introduced music into advertising, a strategy that remains valuable even today.

He gathered famous xẩm (traditional Vietnamese folk music) groups from major cities like Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Nam Dinh, paying them to perform on his ships. The xẩm songs, with their profound lyrics, calling for national solidarity and promoting the Bưởi ship line, became an indispensable part of each voyage. The simple yet deeply patriotic songs touched the hearts of every passenger, making them unforgettable.

Let’s listen to a xẩm song performed on Bạch Thái Bưởi’s ship:

“Nhiễu điều phủ lấy giá gương
Người trong một nước phải thương nhau cùng
Cô kia má đỏ hồng hồng
Muốn ra Hà Nội lấy chồng làm quan
Đường đi hiểm trở gian nan
Tàu ‘Bạch Thái Bưởi’ dọn đàng rước dâu…”

(“Silk covers the mirror frame,
People in one nation should love each other.
The young lady with rosy cheeks,
Wants to go to Hanoi to marry a mandarin.
The journey is full of hardships,
The ‘Bạch Thái Bưởi’ ship clears the way to escort the bride…”)

These lyrics were more than just words; they were a message, embodying Bạch Thái Bưởi’s advertising art, connecting people with people, and nation with nation.

A Legacy of Honor: Bạch Thái Bưởi’s Impact on Vietnamese Entrepreneurship

Bạch Thái Bưởi wasn’t just a businessman; he was a spiritual leader. The Khai Tri Tien Duc Society stated, “He is a great man of the North, a man of honor in the marketplace whose life should be showcased to the nation, and whose career should serve as an example for other merchants.”

Bạch Thái Bưởi’s business philosophy extended beyond mere profit. He saw his work as part of a larger national mission, contributing to the revival of Vietnamese industry and fostering a sense of unity among the people. His approach to business was a harmonious blend of ethics, responsibility, and innovation—values that continue to inspire entrepreneurs today.

Lessons from the Past: What Modern Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Bạch Thái Bưởi

The lessons from Bạch Thái Bưởi include: daring to start a business, seizing opportunities, trusting people, awakening new knowledge, leveraging patriotism, competing to win, being creative, expanding markets, and being ready to start over.

Bạch Thái Bưởi understood customers, competitors, and product differentiation. He built a brand from the inside out: satisfying internal customers and exceeding external customers’ expectations through heartfelt service.

Entrepreneur Bạch Thái Bưởi (1874 – 1932) knew that in order to succeed, a brand must resonate deeply with its audience. He didn’t just create a brand; he created a movement of “people choosing our ships.” His strategy was to unite the business community, revitalize the marketplace, promote real industry, and foster nationalism for a cause greater than pure profit.

The “Bưởi Ships” brand serves as a lesson for Vietnamese entrepreneurs on building a brand with the convergence of Bạch Thái Bưởi’s heart and vision: brand positioning, differentiating experiences, combining national spirit, reasonable pricing, convenient distribution channels, and using music to touch emotions.

Bạch Thái Bưởi’s Enduring Legacy: A Symbol of Integrity and Nationalism

Cụ Ứng Hoè Nguyễn Văn Tố from the National Language Propagation Association wrote about Bạch Thái Bưởi: “He is the foremost economic hero in our country’s economic community.”

Inspired by Bạch Thái Bưởi, we revived the Heritage Binh Chuan ship in 2019, continuing the dream of bringing Vietnamese cruises to the world’s oceans.

Today, Bạch Thái Bưởi’s legacy lives on as a symbol of integrity, nationalism, and entrepreneurial spirit. His innovative strategies, rooted in a deep love for his country and people, continue to inspire new generations of Vietnamese entrepreneurs and leaders.

Continuing the Legacy: The Revival of Vietnamese Maritime Heritage

Dr. Pham Ha, Chairman and CEO of LuxGroup, is not only a leading expert in the luxury tourism industry but also a passionate collector of paintings and antiques. In 2019, he revived the Heritage Binh Chuan ship, inspired by Bạch Thái Bưởi’s legacy. This revival is more than a tribute; it’s a continuation of Bạch Thái Bưởi’s vision of a thriving Vietnamese maritime industry, capable of standing tall on the global stage.

Every year, I collect a painting of Bạch Thái Bưởi, the king of Vietnamese ships, a nobleman of Vietnam, known for his integrity, ethics, and responsibility. This year is particularly special as it marks the 150th anniversary of his birth. Through these actions, we continue to honor and promote the values that Bạch Thái Bưởi stood for—values that are as relevant today as they were a century ago.

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