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Motivating Employees to Lead Change

Motivating Employees to Lead Change – Leaders today understand that success hinges not just on clear communication of strategy but on ensuring employees deeply comprehend and collaboratively execute that strategy.

Strategic Communication Begins with Context

Strategic communication is no longer just a top-down directive from senior leaders. Modern strategies demand understanding and commitment from every member of the organization.

Effective strategic communication goes beyond merely explaining the strategy; it unites and motivates the entire team to engage fully.

Yet, many business leaders often focus too narrowly on specific goals and plans when communicating strategy, neglecting to provide the necessary context for employees to fully grasp each aspect or the rationale behind choosing one strategy over another.

Without sufficient context, strategies can be easily misunderstood or even forgotten, especially when the concepts are complex or specialized.

According to Mr. Pham Ha, Chairman of LuxGroup, for employees to clearly understand and genuinely feel part of the strategy, they must grasp the full context behind strategic decisions.

For instance, LuxGroup’s decision to transition from an old management software to a new version was not just a technological upgrade but a vital step towards enhancing productivity and maintaining a competitive edge.

Rather than merely instructing employees to adopt the new software, LuxGroup’s leadership explained the importance of this change and how it aligned with the company’s long-term goals, particularly the goal of delivering exceptional customer experiences at every touchpoint.

However, providing comprehensive context for every strategic decision may not always be feasible. Strategic decisions are often the result of extensive market research, competitor analysis, customer insights, and sometimes, leaders’ intuition, supported by advice from various stakeholders.

One approach is to explain why alternative options were rejected. When employees understand why certain strategies were not chosen, they gain a deeper appreciation for the strategy that is being implemented.

This approach not only ensures clear communication but also helps employees understand the rationale behind the leader’s decisions.

During the pandemic, LuxGroup shifted its focus from the international market to launching a domestic division targeting Vietnam’s luxury customer segment.

Employees understood that if they had continued focusing solely on the international market, revenue streams would have been cut off when borders closed, jeopardizing the company’s survival and their job security.

Linking Strategy to Long-Term Goals

Another crucial element in strategic communication is linking the strategy to long-term goals. When employees see that the strategy serves larger future objectives beyond immediate actions, they can better recognize the value of their efforts.

LuxGroup’s Chairman frequently emphasizes that all organizational changes aim to enhance customer experiences and maintain a leadership position in the luxury tourism industry.

For instance, implementing new management software not only increases productivity but is also a strategic move to prepare for future growth and service improvements.

As a result, employees not only comply but actively participate in the process, with a clear understanding that their efforts directly contribute to the company’s sustainable development.

Understanding the goals behind the strategy allows employees to quickly grasp the logic behind strategic decisions without needing to know all the complex discussions and deliberations that leaders undergo.

Encouraging Employee Involvement

One of LuxGroup’s strengths in strategic communication is creating opportunities for employees to participate directly in the strategy development process. This not only gathers valuable feedback but also ensures the strategy is clearly understood and effectively executed from the bottom up.

When employees have the chance to engage in this process, they not only understand the strategy but also feel they play a significant role in its implementation. They also see how the strategy will directly impact them. This is a key factor in helping LuxGroup maintain a culture of innovation, fostering strong consensus throughout the organization.

“When employees feel they are an important part of the change, they will not only accept it but also lead it,” Mr. Ha said.

He added that in every new strategic initiative, employees are involved from the very beginning. From testing new ideas to implementing them in practice, employees not only understand the strategy but also become the drivers of change.

As a result, when the company faces new challenges, the team not only accepts but eagerly participates, proactively offering initiatives and improvements to better meet market and customer needs.

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