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The Emperor Sunset Show “organic emotions,” where the traveler enjoys a pure music and emotion feast, enriching the spirit in Nha Trang Bay.

The Emperor Sunset Show “organic emotions,” where the traveler enjoys a pure music and emotion feast, enriching the spirit in Nha Trang Bay.

The Emperor Sunset Show on the Emperor Cruises Origin in Nha Trang ( is truly a unique music and sunset experience, providing a natural and pure emotional space. The stage on the sea, combined with Nha Trang Bay, creates a perfect work of art, offering an excellent experience for travelers who love to appreciate culture and nature.

As a genuine traveler, you have captivated the audience with premium music quality and an emotionally charged performance space. The impressive music feast under the sunset at the Emperor Sunset Show on the Emperor Cruises Origin sailing in Nha Trang, belonging to the Lux Cruises Group (, on its first night cruise in Vietnam is not only for those who love cultural and natural heritage but also an opportunity for exploration, learning, pride, honoring, and enjoyment.

The nightly show is divided into 3 chapters: Love, Twilight, and Moonlight, enough to persuade even the most discerning travelers. In fact, it surpasses expectations with the first scenic program since 2014 on the cruise in the beautiful Nha Trang bay. Four hours immersed in the emotionally charged musical space, with the stage and grandstand set on the sea at one of the most beautiful sunset spots in Vietnam.

This is the ideal place to admire the sunset, enjoy the performance, and have background music for fine dining, creating a feeling of “living slowly” in the true sense. Every gentle melody and familiar love song comes to life against the natural backdrop of the sky and sea, creating a space full of emotions. Nha Trang’s sunset is truly beautiful; some foreign travelers fly halfway around the world just to immerse themselves in the magical moments of this coastal paradise. When combined with the unique skills of highly talented musicians and a bright spirit, it becomes the most wonderful experience in Vietnam.

The Emperor Sunset Show is not a grandiose live show, but it brings something special with a simple stage placed on a cruise in the middle of the sea. No need for dance troupes or flashy LED lights; just a sound system and a modest stage, utilizing the natural effects of the evening sky. Travelers experience an emotional space along with the influence of wine and music that stirs deep emotions: Touching emotions.

If this stage were placed in the city, it might become ordinary, even considered lacking. However, placed on a cruise in the Nha Trang Bay, it becomes a perfect work of art. Carefully calculated and studying the weather data of the beautiful Nha Trang Bay, the program ensures that each sunset evening is a fantastic experience, harmonizing culture, history, architecture, cuisine, and people with nature, creating emotions in a natural way.

“Nature itself has adorned the stage and created excitement for travelers and staff, artists harmonizing in moments of space and time, making impressive journeys,” says violinist Pham Van Binh.

The Emperor Sunset Show can be called “organic emotions,” where the audience enjoys a pure music and emotion feast, enriching the spirit and undoubtedly beneficial for health, similar to organic food for body and soul happiness and wisdom.

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