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The Happy Profession: Pham Ha’s Journey and the Legacy of Binh Chuan

The Happy Profession: Pham Ha’s Journey and the Legacy of Binh Chuan

(HTV) In the world of luxury travel, LuxGroup ( is not just a name but a symbol of elegance and sustainable commitment. Leading this conglomerate is Pham Ha, a visionary entrepreneur with a deep passion for Vietnamese culture, art, and heritage. His journey, from humble beginnings to outstanding success, exemplifies the phrase “The Happy Profession.

The Genesis of a Dream

Pham Ha began his career as a language student, a French-speaking tour guide, and a participant in the film “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” by director Tran Anh Hung. These experiences laid the foundation and ignited his profound love for the tourism industry. With $1,000, a computer, and a luxury car, he started Luxury Travel, now known as LuxGroup.

Luxury” is not only the target but also the philosophy of LuxGroup. From the outset, Pham Ha positioned his business in the high-end segment, serving guests seeking distinctive and upscale experiences. Every year, LuxGroup caters to over 50,000 international tourists visiting Vietnam, providing them with unforgettable experiences.

Touching Heritage: The Legacy of Binh Chuan

One of Pham Ha’s most cherished projects is the Heritage Binh Chuan cruise ship. Inspired by Vietnam’s first steel ship created by entrepreneur Bach Thai Buoi – the King of Vietnamese Ships in the early 20th century, Ha not only recreates an essential part of Vietnam’s maritime history but also creates a new symbol for the country’s tourism industry.

The Heritage Binh Chuan ship embodies exquisite design and modern amenities while evoking the proud memory of the original Binh Chuan ship. This is how Pham Ha and LuxGroup connect the past with the present, creating unique and profound experiences for travelers. “Touching heritage” is not just a slogan but a guiding principle for Heritage Binh Chuan.

Timeless Values

To build and maintain a luxury travel brand like LuxGroup, Pham Ha always prioritizes integrity and pride in national cultural heritage. Trips on Heritage Binh Chuan are not merely relaxing sea journeys but opportunities for guests to explore and deeply understand Vietnamese culture and history.

From organizing art exhibitions on the ship to introducing Vietnamese culture through various activities, every detail is meticulously crafted to provide rich and authentic experiences for guests. This is how Pham Ha not only builds a travel brand but also contributes to promoting and preserving Vietnamese culture.

Bond with Ha Long

Despite LuxGroup’s expansion into many areas, Ha Long Bay always holds a special place in Pham Ha’s heart. With its magnificent natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, Halong is an ideal destination for LuxGroup’s luxury travel projects. From luxurious cruises to unique experiences, every detail is designed to honor and preserve the beauty of Halong Bay.

Books and Knowledge

Pham Ha is not only an entrepreneur but also an author of valuable books. From “Business in the 1.0 Era – Success through Integrity” to “A Life of Art,” each work contains profound philosophies and lessons. These books are not only a source of inspiration for him in building and developing LuxGroup but also spiritual gifts for those pursuing dreams in the tourism sector.

Challenges and Success

Throughout the journey of building LuxGroup, Pham Ha faced numerous challenges. However, with persistence and strategic vision, he overcame all difficulties to make LuxGroup one of the leading tourism groups in Vietnam. LuxGroup’s successes are not only the result of relentless efforts but also proof of a business philosophy that prioritizes integrity and sustainable values.

The Journey Ahead

Looking to the future, Pham Ha and LuxGroup are always eager to venture into the vast seas. With the goal of bringing Vietnamese cruises to the world, Ha continues to invest in new projects and expand LuxGroup’s operations. The combination of tradition and modernity, culture, and technology will be the foundation for LuxGroup to continue growing and asserting its position on the global tourism map.


Pham Ha’s story and the Heritage Binh Chuan are not just tales of business success but also stories of passion, integrity, and love for national cultural heritage. With the philosophy of “The Happy Profession,” Pham Ha not only brings happiness to travelers but also contributes to preserving and promoting Vietnamese heritage. These core values are the essence of LuxGroup’s success and will continue to guide its future steps.

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